COMPILED 2006 TO 2019


Serial No.

Approx. Date





  1953 Acoustic Brunette Alisdair Munro Scotland
2000 1953 Acoustic Blonde Steve Walsh Bath, England
2001 1953 Acoustic Blonde Adrian Perkins West Midlands, England
2003 1953 Acoustic Blonde Olivier Strauch The Netherlands
2008 1953 Acoustic Blonde Paul Smith Nottinghamshire, England
2019 1953 Acoustic Blonde Paul Campbell Canberra, Australia
2020 1953 Acoustic Blonde Matt Armstrong Edinburgh, Scotland
2023 1953 Acoustic Brunette Francesc Rodriguez Bayer Barcelona/Catalonia, Spain
2029 1953 Acoustic Blonde Kimmo Nurminen Finland
2034 1953 Acoustic Blonde Rick Haggard California, USA
2038 1953/54 Acoustic Blonde John Errington Ayr, Scotland
2049 1954 Acoustic Blonde Hofner Paul Derbyshire, UK
2051 1954 Acoustic Blonde Chris Martin New South Wales, Australia
2052 1954 Acoustic Blonde Tony Miller Liverpool, UK
2053 1954 Acoustic Blonde Clive Martell Cornwall, UK
2054 1954 Acoustic Brunette Andrew Meek Powys, Wales
2062 1954 Acoustic Blonde Claudine Howard Northants, UK
2070 1954 Acoustic Blonde Andrew Buckie Ontario, Canada
2080 1954 Acoustic Blonde Rob Auckland, New Zealand
2082 1954 Acoustic Brunette Kerry Bourke NSW, Australia
2090 1954 Acoustic Blonde Giovanni Ghiazza Italy
2100 1954 Acoustic Brunette Ian Hartley Manchester, England
2105 1954 Acoustic Brunette Clive Brown W. Midlands, England
2122 1954 Acoustic Blonde Brett N. Carolina, USA
2124 1954 Acoustic Blonde Melody Australia
2127 1954 Acoustic Brunette Ramsay McKinnon Glasgow, Scotland
2131 1954/55 Acoustic Brunette Nigel Brewer Bedfordshire UK
2138 1954/55 Acoustic Blonde Mark Ford The Philippines
2141 1954/55 Acoustic Blonde Rachel DeToledo London, UK
2147 1954/55 Acoustic Brunette Nicholas Beevers N. Yorkshire, England
2155 1955 Acoustic Blonde Colin Scott New York, USA
2159 1955 Acoustic Blonde Joachim Masnitza Germany
2167 1955 Acoustic Blonde Gordon Sherriff Edinburgh, Scotland
2176 1955 Acoustic Brunette Brian Adair Scotland
2179 1955 Acoustic Blonde Greg Thomas France
2182 1955 Acoustic Brunette Ken Robinson Berkshire, UK
2194 1955 Acoustic Blonde Stefan Mueller Germany
2234 1955 Acoustic Blonde Michael Hillman Melb'ne, Australia
2245 1955 Electric Blonde Pete Bardsley Manchester, England
2251 1955 Acoustic Brunette Frank Allen UK
2256 1955 Acoustic Blonde M. Bird France
2263 1955 Acoustic Brunette Wenzel Dashington Canada
2264 1955 Acoustic Brunette Mark Vucetic Q'land, Australia
2281 1956 Acoustic Blonde Ian Millar Scottish Borders
2288 1956 Acoustic Brunette Andy Craig West Yorkshire, England
2290 1956 Acoustic Brunette Trevor Croucher North Yorkshire, England
2295 1956 Acoustic Brunette David O'Neil Oxfordshire, UK
2310 1956 Acoustic Blonde Nick Smith Kent, UK
2324 1956/57 Acoustic Brunette Steve Hoppins Devon, England
2335 1956/57 Acoustic Blonde Lesley Chambers Northumberland, England
2341 1957 Electric Brunette Gary Leport Hampshire, UK
2342 1957 Electric Brunette Mark Banwell-Clode Swansea, South Wales
2353 1957 Electric Blonde Simon Powell The Cayman Islands
2354 1957 Electric Blonde Alan Lewis Tasmania, Australia
2357 1957 Acoustic Blonde Jim McGregor Scotland
2369 1957 Acoustic Brunette Stuart Vezey London, England
2373 1957 Acoustic Brunette John Bouboukis Athens, Greece
2374 1957 Acoustic Brunette Billy Young Aidrie, Scotland
2377 1957 Electric Blonde Allistair Baldocke Lancashire, England
2378 1957 Electric Blonde J. A. Dean West Yorkshire, England
2388 1957 Acoustic   Sabina Shah Manchester, England
2390 1957 Electric Brunette Steve Royle Jersey, Ch. Islands, UK
2391 1957 Electric Brunette Wenzel Dashington Canada
2399 1957 Acoustic Blonde Ronnie Forshaw Lancashire, England
2404 1957 Acoustic Blonde John McTear Glasgow, Scotland
2408 1957 Acoustic Brunette    
2418 1957 Acoustic Blonde Roger Connell North Yorkshire, England
2431 (Left Handed) 1957 Acoustic Brunette James Byatt Somerset, England
2433 1957 Acoustic Blonde Dr Irving Jaye Western Galilee, Israel
2437 1957 Acoustic Blonde Tony Fleet British Columbia, Canada
2439 1957 Electric Blonde Bob Goodsir Kent, England
2451 1957 Electric Blonde Les Sheppard Hertfordshire, England
2462 1957 Acoustic Brunette Gary Leport Hampshire, England
2467 1957 Acoustic Blonde Malcolm K. Stewart Indiana, USA
2472 1957 Electric Blonde Raymond Softley Berkshire, England
2481 1957 Acoustic Blonde Wenzel Dashington Canada
2496 1957 Acoustic Blonde Jim McMillan Australia
2497 1957 Acoustic Brunette Heyaca France
2518 1957 Acoustic Blonde Gary Leport Southern England
2527 1957 Electric Brunette John Hall Berkshire, England
2536 1957 Acoustic Brunette Ramsay McKinnon Glasgow, Scotland
2547 1957 Electric Blonde William Whyte West Sussex, England
2560 1957 Acoustic Blonde Jan Bartelomij The Netherlands
2572 1957/58 Acoustic Blonde David Martin Essex, England
2581 1958 Acoustic Blonde Terry Pack Lancashire, England
2585 1958 Electric Blonde Peter Brooks Nottinghamshire, England
2588 1958 Acoustic Blonde W. T. Strahan Co.Antrim, N. Ireland
2591 1958 Electric Brunette Denmark Street Guitars London, England
2599 1958 Acoustic Brunette Martin Merrett London, England
2602 1958 Acoustic Brunette Tim Waddell East Sussex, England
2603 1958 Acoustic Brunette Cameron Brown Surrey, England
26?? 1958 Acoustic Re-Finished Howard Porter Sussex, UK
2631 1958 Acoustic Brunette Michael Hillman Melb'ne, Australia
2663 1958 Electric Brunette Julie Fellows Manchester, UK
2668 1958 Acoustic Blonde Frankie Sinesio Italy
2678 1958 Acoustic Brunette Alan Deeming W. Midlands, UK
2684 1958 Electric Blonde Don Styler Hampshire, UK
2721 1958 Electric Blonde James L. Jones Western Australia
2724 1958 Electric Blonde Michael Gillen Nevada, USA
2727 1958 Electric Blonde David Suddaby Kingston Upon Hull, UK
2728 1958 Electric Blonde Audoux Guy France
2746 1958 Electric Brunette Michael Coles Northamptonshire, England
2762 1958 Acoustic Blonde Norris Norton Surrey, UK
2768 1958 Electric Brunette Nick Smith Kent, UK
2772 1958 Acoustic Brunette Alex Wilson Wirral, Merseyside, UK
2811 1958 Acoustic Brunette Rolf Reitz Wisconsin, USA
2826 1958 Acoustic Brunette Richard Newton Warwickshire, UK
2841 1958 Acoustic Blonde Andy Twaites West Yorkshire, England
2850 1958 Acoustic Brunette Steve Morgan Lancashire, UK
2857 1958 Acoustic Blonde Richard Borritt Manchester, England
2864 1958 Electric Blonde Nick Ellis Leicestershire, England
2867 1958 Electric Blonde Mark Francis-Parry Nottinghamshire, England
2874 1958 Electric Brunette Bob Bullock Somerset, UK
2892 1958 Electric Blonde Michael O'Loughlin Limerick, Ireland
2907 1958 Electric Brunette Stewart Orr Wrexham, UK
2914 1958 Electric Brunette Tony Meager Middlesex, England
2935 1958 Electric Blonde Cameron Brown Surrey, England
2944 1958 Electric Brunette Rudi Bults The Netherlands
2950 1958 Electric Brunette Colin Wooldrage Orkney, Scotland
2952 1959 Electric Brunette Jeremy Oaks France
2957 1959 Electric Brunette
2962 1959 Electric Brunette Matthew Arnold East Yorkshire, UK
2972 1959 Electric Blonde Frank Connor Kent, UK
2976 1959 Electric Blonde Graham Sherin Hampshire, England
2992 1959 Acoustic Brunette John Robert Crawford N. Yorkshire, England
3010 1959 Acoustic Brunette Juan Antonio Gonzalez-Colaço y Madrid, Spain
3021 1959 Acoustic Blonde Steve Russell Derbyshire, UK
3028 1959 Electric Blonde Robin Wilcox Essex, England
3034 1959 Electric Blonde Huw Davies North Somerset, England
3041 1959 Electric Blonde Terry Jones Louisiana, USA
3044 1959 Electric Blonde Mitchell Sorbie Glasgow, Scotland
3048 1959 Electric Blonde Noel Wild Lancashire, England
3057 1959 Electric Brunette Chas McDevitt (Previously by Rick Hardy) Berkshire, UK
3064 1959 Electric Brunette Patrick McGrorty Stirlingshire, Scotland
3077 1959 Acoustic Blonde David French Leicestershire, England
3113 1959 Electric Blonde Lorenzo Ascoli  
3133 1959 Electric Blonde Yves Calvez Paris, France
3137 1959 Electric Brunette Nick Smith Kent, UK
3140 1959 Acoustic Brunette Simon Riding Lancashire, UK
3146 1959 Acoustic Brunette Owen Scott Queensland, Australia
3153 1959 Acoustic Blonde Brian Burn Durham, UK
3166 1959 Electric Blonde D. Emett UK
3183 1959 Electric Blonde Gerard(GJM) van den Broek The Netherlands
3185 1959 Electric Blonde Stan-Ryan Yeomans Devon, UK
3186 1959 Electric Blonde Peter Harrison Ohio, USA
3192 1959 Electric Blonde Nick Smith Kent, UK
3214 1959 Acoustic Blonde Peter Smith Isle of Wight, England
3227 1959 Electric Blonde Martin Merrett London, England
3234 1959 Electric Blonde Roger Kemp Essex, England
3240 1959 Electric Brunette Sean Brosnan South London, England
3243 1959 Electric Blonde Susan Nelson Hampshire, UK
3249 1959 Electric Brunette Mervyn Cargill Londonderry, Northern Ireland
3253 1959 Acoustic Brunette Wenzel Dashington Canada
3266 1959 Electric Blonde Favrod-Coune Jean-Daniel Vaud, Switzerland
3268 1959 Electric Blonde Mick Pearce Cumbria, England
3276 1959 Electric Brunette Graham Pearson Texas, USA
3284 1959 Electric Blonde Matt Armstrong Edinburgh, Scotland
3286 1959 Electric Blonde John Ashley East Sussex, England
3292 1959 Acoustic Blonde Jim McGregor Scotland
3297 1959 Acoustic Blonde Stuart Terry Cumbria, England
3298 1959 Electric Blonde Col51 UK
3305 1959 Acoustic Blonde Tommy Robertson W. Midlands, England
3333 1959 Acoustic Brunette Trevor Midgley UK
3361 1959 Acoustic Blonde Derek Cookson Auckland, New Zealand
3366 1959 Acoustic Blonde William Whyte W. Sussex, UK
3378 1959 Electric Blonde Mark Ford Manila, The Phillippines
3384 1959 Acoustic Blonde Ross Mitchell Cape Town, South Africa
3393 1959 Electric Brunette Jouko Terola Finland
3402 1959 Acoustic Brunette John Gamble Oxfordshire, England
3410 1959 Electric Brunette Russ Parker Derbyshire, England
3415 1959 Electric Blonde Wenzel Dashington Canada
3418 1959 Electric Brunette Andrew Harlow Spain
3431 1960 Electric Brunette Sharon Platt Nelson, New Zealand
3443 1960 Electric Blonde Stephen Norris Quebec, Canada
3472 1960 Acoustic Blonde Colin Fraser Scotland
3484 1960 Electric Blonde C. Lewis Berkshire, England
3495 1960 Electric Blonde Tony Evans Liverpool, England
3504 1960 Acoustic Blonde Dave Kent, England
3518 1960 Acoustic Blonde Lou Bedfordshire, England
3520 1960 Acoustic Blonde Terry Pack Lancashire, England
3528 1960 Acoustic Brunette Will Dickson Canterbury, New Zealand
3547 1960 Electric Blonde Harold Hufstetler Georgia, USA
3629 1960 Acoustic Brunette Anoushka Ernest The Netherlands
3645 1960 Acoustic Blonde David Cooper Cornwall, England
3658 1960 Electric Blonde Dave Thomas Kelso, Scotland
No Number 1960 Acoustic Brunette Stefan Müller Germany
3673 1960 Electric Blonde Rudi Bults The Netherlands
3683 1960 Electric Blonde Colarusso Rosario Italy
3685 1960/61 Electric Blonde Ian Plenderleith E.Kilbride, Scotland
3696 1960/61 Electric Brunette Nick Ellis Leicestershire, England,
3698 1960/61 Electric Blonde Patrick L. France
3700 1960/61 Acoustic Brunette Tobias Stairs UK
3701 1960/61 Acoustic Brunette Bryce Dimond Algarve, Portugal
  1960/61 Electric Brunette Keith Christian California, USA
3725 1961 Acoustic Brunette James Wheeler County Durham, England
3733 1961 Electric Blonde Dave Heslop South Australia
3744 1961 Acoustic Brunette David Wright Hertfordshire, England
3745 1962 Electric Blonde Ian Thomson Scotland
Number Illegible c1962 Electric Blonde Ken Emerson Surrey, UK
3757 1962 Electric Brunette Glenn Cole Bedfordshire, England
3761 1962 Electric Blonde Chris Page Lancashire, England
3762 1962 Electric Blonde Terry Mangham Anglesey, North Wales
3763 1962 Electric Blonde Rudi Bults The Netherlands
3765 1962 Electric Blonde Konstantinos Zarifopoulos Germany
3766 1962 Electric Blonde Bill Parker W. Midlands, England
3786 1962 Acoustic Blonde Gérard Mermillod Marseille, France
3793 1963 Electric Blonde Rolf Johansson Sweden
3794 1963 Electric Blonde Steve Lewis Scotland
3818 1963 Acoustic Brunette Mike Jones Texas, England
3844 1963 Electric Brunette Dave Green Somerset, England
3853 1963 Acoustic Brunette Paul Lewinton Cambridgeshire, England
3855 1963 Acoustic Brunette Dave Knight Lancashire, England
3868 1963 Acoustic Brunette Jim McGregor Scotland
3872 1963 Acoustic Brunette Jo Calder Perthshire, Scotland
3879 1963 Acoustic Blonde Dave Beard Norfolk, UK
3893 1963 Electric Brunette Jacqui Halstead Victoria, Australia
3899 1963 Acoustic Brunette Philip Hatton Hemel Hempstead, England
3903 1963 Acoustic Brunette Steve Naylor Derbyshire, UK 
3905 1963 Acoustic Blonde Hofner Paul Derbyshire, UK
3908 1963 Acoustic Blonde Keith Howes Warwickshire, England
3920 1963 Electric Blonde Antony Burgess Cornwall, UK
3925 1963 Electric Blonde Keith Froom Surrey, England
3930 1963 Electric Blonde John Grogan Cheshire, England
3932 1963 Acoustic Blonde Ramsay McKinnon Glasgow, Scotland
3948 1963 Electric Brunette Peter Forester Hertfordshire, England
3949 1963 Electric Brunette John Brennan South Yorkshire, England
3953 1963 Electric Blonde Ian Thomson Scotland
3962 1963/64 Electric Brunette Steven Duffield Midlothian, Scotland
3969 1964 Electric Blonde Rudi Bults The Netherlands
3981 1964 Electric Brunette Chris Ruiz Canada
3998 1964 Acoustic Brunette Phil Linstead Berkshire, UK
4006 1964 Electric Blonde Anthony Reginald Pollington Cheshire, England
4009 1964 Electric Brunette Philip Goeth London, England
4011 1964 Electric Brunette Graham Hutton Edinburgh, Scotland
4027 1964 Electric Blonde Jim McGregor Scotland
4033 1964 Electric Blonde Steve Turner Cornwall. England
4047 1964 Electric Brunette Dave Yelland Cornwall, UK
4050 1964 Electric Brunette Tim Stubbings Essex, UK
4073 1964 Electric Blonde Michael Harvey N. Yorkshire, UK
4074 1964 Electric Blonde Alan Caslin Ontario, Canada
4101 1964 Acoustic Brunette Francois Casalonga Corsica, France
4113 1965 Electric Brunette Graham Stockley Germany
4116 1965 Electric Blonde Lindsay Wilkin Lancashire, UK
4123 1965 Acoustic Brunette Jill Roebuck Gloucestershire, England
4127 1965 Acoustic Brunette Paul Brett North Wales
4138 1965 Electric Blonde Alexander Reid East Sussex, UK
4145 1965 Acoustic Blonde Niall McCarty Northern Ireland
4152 1965 Electric Blonde David Aydon New Zealand
4157 1965 Acoustic Blonde David Green Illinois, USA
4158 1965 Acoustic Blonde Roger Parsons South Wales, England
4170 1965 Acoustic Brunette Gilles Feraud PACA, France
4172 1965 Electric Brunette Mike Costigan Derbyshire, England
4173 1965 Electric Brunette Glen Selman Kent, England
4177 1965 Electric Brunette G. J. Hood Kent, England
4183 1966 Electric Brunette Richard Bourne Adelaide, South Australia
4204 1967 Acoustic Brunette Bob Byatt Enfield, England
4206 1967 Electric Brunette Jerome Karlovsky The Midlands, England
4208 1967 Electric Brunette Mike Seaman London, UK
4213 1967 Electric Brunette Don Knight British Columbia, Ca
4219 1967 Electric Blonde Doug Bell Massachusetts, USA
4222 1967 Electric Brunette Wolfard v. Thienen Mering, Germany
4228 1967 Electric Brunette Peter Bilstein Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
4235 1967 Electric Blonde Franco Taiocchi Bergamo, Italy
4238 1967 Electric Blonde Paul Birch Shropshire, England
4251 1968 Acoustic Brunette Bob Waren South Wales, UK
4256 1968 Acoustic Brunette Neil French Fife, Scotland
4257 1968 Acoustic Brunette Bob Bullock Somerset, UK
4261 1969 Electric Blonde William Whyte West Sussex, UK
4263 1969 Electric Blonde John Kempton Parry Wales, UK
No Number
(Hofner Factory Display Piece)
Late 1960's Acoustic Brunette Wenzel Dashington Canada


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